Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Maasai Shop Lady

Wandering around Iringa one day we found a small Maasai gift shop along our regular walking path to the marketplace.  We were admiring the hand work and the shop keeper told us about a larger Maasai shop away from our normal track.  The two shops were obviously connected otherwise she would have never told us of the other.  This is the larger shop’s key sales person.  Who could resist buying from her? 

An interesting Maasai tradition is that the men, who are cattle herders and warriors, also are the main hair braiders.  We have seen Maasai men sitting on a rock with a woman on the ground getting her hair braided.  Also, wandering through a marketplace yesterday, we saw a woman in flip flops having her toe nails painted by a male shop keeper.  I’m not sure any woman would want me braiding her hair.

We will visit the Maasai shop again.

1 comment:

  1. This looks like my favorite Maasai Lady for buying jewelry. She will give you discount. Karen
