Friday, September 17, 2010


A tradition in TZ is to invite visitors into a home for tea and treats. Upon arriving in Kidigawa we were escorted into the pastor’s house for tea. There were 2 plates of what we thought were mondazis. Mondazis are similar to big donut holes about the size of a billiard ball. They are fairly dense and have a slightly sweet taste. We were told one plate was mondazis and the other was bagiyas. Our translator pointed to the bagiyas and said, “Pigeon.”

Well. I wasn’t super excited about being the first to try the pigeon. I had these visions of feathers and beaks inside the dough ball. It turned out they were very similar to mondazis only salt had been added to the dough rather than sugar. Sadly, no feathers or beaks. I don’t know what the pigeon reference was all about.

I did learn that a good way to enjoy these was to have a mondazi in one hand and a bagiya in the other.

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