Friday, September 24, 2010

Good sites

Tee shirts and sweatshirts are very popular attire for people in TZ.  Many of these are donations from US groups.  It makes for some good laughs seeing what some people are wearing.  Last Sunday we were in Bomalongombe and attended church at one of the preaching points of the Lutheran church.  We saw a girl approaching the Roman Catholic church wearing a bright pink sweatshirt that said in large letters across the front, "I'm not FAT. I'm knocked up!"  I wonder if she knows what it says.  This morning we saw a young guy with a "Chick Magnet" tee shirt on.  Again, does he know what it means?

I'm at a place called Neema Craft which employs handicapped people who make clothing, jewelry, greeting cards, etc.  It's a neat group to support.  They have an awesome restaurant with a balconey overlooking the street.  It also has an internet cafe and is a WIFI hotspot.  Good group to support.

Two days until I leave for my return trip to the US.  I'm taking a public bus from Iringa to Dar Es Saalam.  That should be interesting.  I will catch a taxi from the bus depot to the airport.  The rest should be easy.

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