Saturday, September 11, 2010

The Big Potato

We have a saying in the West about being the big shot or top dog. That translates somewhat differently in TZ. Mark Jensen was the founder of the Ag Institute at Tumaini University in Iringa. Mark is well known and receives the best treatment by all the locals. In fact, when staying in a remote village Mark will always get the best room. He has been named The Big Potato.

Now that Mark isn’t in TZ as much due to illness, a new Big Potato has emerged. Don has taken on that mantel in Mark’s absence. When we visited the rice broker, we were given 1.2 million TZ Shillings as the first payment for our sold rice. Here Don sits as a millionaire and the Big Potato since he was given the money to safeguard.

We can have some fun with this!

1 comment:

  1. Speaking of potatoes, have you had anything interesting to eat yet? And I'm not talking about the airline food...
